9 Ways To Entertain Yourself on a Long-Haul Flight

The long-haul flight. It’s a true test of endurance and your capacity for barely-cushioned seating. These flights can be inevitable for us and it’s important to not lose it to boredom in that metal tube at 30,000ft in the sky. To help keep these flights manageable, here are nine things you can do to make your long haul a little more enjoyable.
Draw or Sketch
For long flights, activities that don’t require an internet connection are key to have as a backup, as you may not know the free-wifi situation until you’re already in the air. A great wifi-free activity is drawing. Drawing can be an excellent way to pass the time as it requires a few materials that you can simply fish out of your bag.
Let your mind wander
A benefit to spending so much time in one place is you can finally practice those skills you can’t seem to find time for. Try brushing up on your fundamental drawing skills such as perspective or anatomy. These are always worth practicing and are simple to do if you’re struggling to find inspiration.
Be inspired by your surroundings
Another way to help find inspiration is by simply looking around your space. Potential images can be found all around you if you’re looking hard enough — even in economy class. Try sketching random individuals on the plane (respectfully) or trying to capture the beautiful cloudscape outside of your nearest window.
Listen to Podcasts
Podcasts have taken the world by storm and for good reason. Podcasts feature compelling stories told by unique voices in genres for seemingly everyone — from fiction to non-fiction to true crime or even life advice. Podcasts are a great way to pass time in your most comfortable headphones.
Drift away in a good story
If you’re keen to listen to some podcasts on your long-haul flight, it’s a good idea to download them onto your device ahead of time. Most services, such as Spotify or Apple Podcasts, allow you to pre-download episodes with a premium membership. Make sure to download plenty of episodes. If you don’t, you might not be able to enjoy your favorite series when there is no internet connection during your flight.
Multiple genres for any mood
It’s a good idea to come loaded with a few different genres of podcasts for especially long flights. This will keep you from getting bored listening to the same thing for hours on end. Break up true crime with something lighter like a comedy podcast. You could also start your flight off with some easy non-fiction stories before switching to your new favorite horror anthology.
Play Games

Games are an excellent way to pass the time — especially on your mobile device. It’s a great idea to download some new or classic games to play. From card games, idlers, or action-packed thrills, you have a world of options to choose from!
Go analog with card games
Even with USB ports and outlets crammed into near-unreachable corners of the plane, the biggest threat to any entertainment device on a long flight is battery life. Because you’ll need your device fully charged and ready for when you land, why not pass the time with a physical game? Since larger games are (literally) off the table, card games are fantastic options for simple and portable gaming experiences.
Play mobile games
Mobile games are efficient in space and are endlessly replayable offering you constant entertainment. Like with podcasts, it’s a good idea to try and download games to play offline. Even if there is in-flight wifi, it likely isn’t very fast. Therefore, don’t get caught with a glitchy game, and download your favorites before you take off. Also, like podcasts, download multiple genres so you don’t get bored too quickly.
Solitaire is great for solo travel
Solitaire is one of the all-time great games for solo travel. All that’s required is you and some patience. The best part is it’s even easier to play on a mobile device! You can play multiple variations from the challenging double-deck fun of Spider Solitaire to the classic experience of Klondike Solitaire. Check out all these variations and more digitally at 247Solitaire.com, or with a physical deck of cards.
Watch Movies or TV Shows
Movies and television are fantastic ways to pass the time on long flights. Just like games and podcasts, they’re best downloaded from your preferred platform beforehand so you can experience them without interruption during the flight.
Bring your favorites from home
It’s always great to be able to catch up on old favorites on your flight. Who knows? Maybe this is finally the time to make it through that 9-hour+ fantasy epic you’ve been meaning to watch. Make sure to choose movies or shows that are engaging and from varied genres. You never know what you might be feeling up for at the moment.
Explore the options provided inflight
Nowadays many flights offer in-flight entertainment as a bonus of your ticket. This can be a good way to see recently released streaming movies that might not have made it to your favorite streaming platform yet. If you’re feeling brave, you could even pick something at random to watch and find a new fave!
Read a Book or Magazine
It’s always good to get away from the screens that dominate our lives. Perhaps your upcoming flight is a good time for just that. If you’re belted in your seat for the majority of the day, what better time could there be to get some reading in?
Variety is the spice of life
It’s always a good idea to bring a few options for you to read. Magazines and novels can require unique levels of concentration, so plan on different materials to match your moods. If the rush to the airport has left you feeling a little drained, there’s no shame in enjoying some nice fluff pieces. The airport is a great place to grab some magazines to save space in your carry-on.
Be intentional in your picks
It’s a great idea to pick a novel you’ve already made some headway into. That way, jumping back in will be easier than trying to start an entirely new story which you likely won’t finish before the plane lands. Save that new book for when you're back on the ground and can focus a little better. Also, maybe avoid anything that requires too much focus. No need to start Ulysses during the stress of travel.
Talk to Fellow Passengers

Talking and learning from your fellow passengers is a unique and rare opportunity. People from all walks of life are traveling with you, and they might have some valuable information about your destination.
Learn from your surroundings
If it’s your first time visiting your destination, ask around and see if anyone has any information that might be useful. Fellow travelers can provide directions to helpful spots within your destination’s airport or any useful cultural information about your destination. This could save you major headaches once you land.
Don’t be shy, but be respectful
Always be courteous to other passengers, especially those next to you. Many are more than willing to chat and indulge your questions, but on a long flight some of your passengers might just be looking for some peace and quiet. Make sure to always be respectful of the boundaries of your fellow passengers, or it could make a long flight even longer.
Learn a New Language
If you’re traveling to a foreign country, it’s always good to brush up on the native language of your destination. Whether you’re using an app or a dictionary, here are some tips to brush up on your languages on your flight.
Practice for where you’re heading
Navigating a foreign country is much easier if you have some grasp of the language. Navigating the airport, communicating with your taxi, and finding your hotel can be difficult and stressful without having some knowledge of the language. That’s why you should try and brush up on the flight beforehand.
Be realistic and take it slow
With that in mind, it’s important to remember that no amount of cramming can make you learn a language in a single day. Therefore, focus on useful, simple phrases that will get you where you need to go — anything afterward is a bonus. Learning a language takes time, practice, and effort. Go ahead and make your plane ride the first step in a new routine to fully learn a new language.
Where to start
Apps such as Duolingo or Rosetta are excellent digital companions for learning a language. They feature lesson plans and modes that allow you to practice without having to speak aloud. Language dictionaries also exist though they can be a little harder to find and more difficult to use. Plus, most of the information can be found in the apps. Go ahead and download one of these apps before the flight to get started.
Stretch and Move

Sitting in a cramped seat for long enough can seriously mess up your posture and spine. You could even find yourself losing some circulation to your legs. Make sure to get up and about the cabin whenever possible to stretch out.
The longer the flight, the more you have to move
This part is a bit self-explanatory. The longer your flight is the more you’ll be in pain if you don’t take care of yourself throughout. These long-haul flights should have ample opportunity for the fasten seatbelt sign to be turned off to allow passengers to move up and about the cabin. Try to move a little every hour you’re in flight so you can avoid pain once you do land and exit the plane.
How to move in your seat
If you’re stuck in your seat, try to do simple hand and leg stretches whenever possible. Stretching is important to make sure the blood keeps circulating and your muscles stay free of cramps. Hand exercises are especially important if they’re curled around a device for extended periods. Try exercises like pushing the flats of your hand against your other palm, or stretching fingers back and forth.
You are now free to move about the cabin
When you are finally free to move, take a little walk! Taking a few laps up and down the aisles is great for your body and your mind on long flights. Once the seatbelt sign goes off it will likely be a tight fit with everyone trying to move at once. If you don’t need to use the bathroom immediately, wait a little bit for the initial rush to die down before getting a few steps in.
Plan Your Trip
Finally, one of the best activities you can do on the plane is to plan your immediate next steps after touchdown. Jot down some ideas for a plan of attack to get from the airport to your hotel and all of your activities beyond!
Dot your “I"s and cross your “T"s
Do you know where the baggage claim is? How about the terminal maps and the pickup areas? How about some food if you are starving after your flight? See if you can gather any information or resources on the flight to make your arrival smoother and easier. Flight attendants may be able to help you with this if they’re not busy and you ask politely!
Set a plan and a back-up plan
Your plan A is only as good as your plan B, so be prepared for anything. The chaos of international travel can get to anyone, so try to ensure you’ve budgeted for ample time to be stumped, confused, and lost. You’ll have a much better time at your destination without being stressed by the urgency of your arrival.
Thank you for reading this guide on how to survive a long-haul flight! If you’re interested in more, check out some of our other guides at 247Solitaire. Plus, you can play some great games while you’re at it!
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