How to Pass Time on a Flight Without Disturbing Your Neighbors

There are few worse situations than being stuck on a long flight. You could also be stuck on a long flight and have a seatmate who snores like a bulldog, but it's easy to forget that you have many options to pass the time when you're in the air.
This article outlines some ways you can keep yourself entertained during those marathon flights and also offers suggestions to ensure that your next flight is as enjoyable and quick as possible.
Keep it Old School
There are plenty of electronic options from tablets to laptops to e-readers to Steam Decks to bring on a flight, but don't knock the analog options. Not only are they quiet and portable, but you won't need a charger, wi-fi, or heavy equipment to use them.
Catch up on your reading
There's rarely a better time to catch up on your reading list than on a flight. Just remember to keep your expectations manageable, and carry-on space in mind. This means bringing a few easily stowable thrillers instead of that history book about the Roman Empire you've been using as a doorstop.
Alternatively, you could look for a magazine or newspaper from the airport bookstore if you're looking for some lighter reading while in the air. This can also help you save space in your carry-on. In the end, whether you're on a two-hour or a twenty-hour flight, reading can be a relaxing, rewarding way to pass the time.
Start a travel journal

Better yet, use the time to directly prepare for your trip by creating a travel journal. It's easy to pack a Moleskine or a notepad, and you may find that it helps you clear your head and streamlines your travel. Get started by pulling out a map to review your itinerary and organize your feelings about your trip. Then jot down your thoughts throughout your trip. Plus, it will give you a souvenir to help remember your vacation.
Never too old for activity books
If you're less of a reader or journaler, you can also opt for some activity books. Crossword puzzles, sudoku, and mandala coloring books are all easy to pack away and are a great way to challenge and test your brain, promote active thinking, and, of course, pass the time.
In general, card games are things that you can consider for flights as well — especially since a pack of playing cards is light and easy to pack. Games are a great way to stay busy and test your mental faculties. You could play Solitaire or, if you're feeling risky, play poker with your seatmates.
Charge Batteries and Go Digital
Of course, there are always your electronics for an easy time filler. Just make sure that you bring everything you need — from cords to adapters to, most importantly, noise-canceling headphones. The last thing you want is to broadcast your entertainment to everyone else on the plane because you forgot a pair of headphones.
Here are a few specific things to look into if you're going the digital route.
Pick your favorite (or new favorite) podcasts or albums
These days, nearly every streaming service allows you to download offline episodes of podcasts or albums. Don't forget, however, that airplane wifi can be spotty, so you need to download these before you get on the plane. In a pinch, you might be able to use the slow airport wi-fi to add a few more songs to your phone, tablet, or laptop.
On longer flights, also think about bringing things for different moods. There are thousands of storytelling podcasts about everything from True Crime to cryptids. Likewise, bring a few different genres of albums if you want something to help fall asleep or perk you up.
Download movies or TV shows
Long flights are also a great place to catch up on movies or TV shows if you have a laptop, tablet, or something else that can play them. Most streaming services allow you to download their content, but it's worth checking to see if there are limitations so you don't get stuck without a movie in the middle of the flight.
Depending on your airline and the length of your flight, you may also have a variety of options for in-flight entertainment. Some airlines offer new releases, full seasons of television, or just a set of programs you can flip through. One thing to keep in mind is that even if your flight has complimentary wi-fi, it's unlikely that the connection will be strong enough for streaming.
Play some online games

Online games are another great way to pass the time. Just like with video and audio entertainment, however, make sure that you've downloaded the games you want before getting on the plane. You can also use the in-flight wifi to play some of your favorite online games. If you find something you really enjoy, like 247's Spider solitaire, the flight will move by like it's nothing.
Stay Occupied to Make Time Fly
It's a fact of life that you have to fly to get anywhere, but it doesn't have to be something to dread. You have the time to do anything you want, and, as this article showed, there are many things that you can do to make your flight into an opportunity. You can watch a new blockbuster, read a great book, or have a chance to master a new card game you've always been curious about.
Remember to be prepared by getting all electronics charged, all content downloaded (or packed), and put your seat back and relax. Then let 247 Solitaire help pass the time!
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